Hair Transplant Side Effects

For most patients, hair transplant surgery increase self-confidence and give them improved external appearance. In almost every case the results are to survive, but even younger patients should be aware of the effects of general aging process and private individuals bald.

Hair Transplant Side Effects

Hair Transplant Side Effects
Hair thinning, known as "shock loss", is a common side effect of hair transplant surgery is usually temporary. Bald patches are also common, fifty to a hundred hairs can be lost every day. Other side effects include swelling of the hair transplant field such as the scalp and forehead. If this becomes uncomfortable, medication may relieve the swelling. In addition, patients should be careful if his scalp began to itch, such as scratching will make it worse and cause scabs to form. A moisturizing shampoo or massage can be used to relieve itching.

A few years after hair transplant surgery, hair loss can occur more, with the transplanted patches stay in place. This causes the odd patch of hair, unless they are removed, or unless the transplanted hair.

Finally if you are considering hair transplant surgery hair transplant doctor make sure you are a member of the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgery.